On Wednesday mornings between 10:30 and 12:00 we have a tea and coffee morning and on 2nd & 4th Wednesdays a short Meeting for Worship at 12:00-12:30
If you’re a newcomer then there is no need for an introduction, just come along. Or, if you would like to talk to someone first, please make an enquiry below. It’s a friendly and welcoming group where a warm welcome is guaranteed.
We also hold regular events and have rooms available for hire.
Our meeting is one of eight that combine together to form Lincolnshire Quaker Area Meeting.
Sunday Meeting on December 17th will have a Christmas theme. So please bring something to contribute if you can, a reading or poem or something you would like to contribute. Or just come along and join us either in person or on Zoom. We will be having a shared lunch afterwards in Julia's flat.
Everyone is welcome.
For general enquiries, visits, room hire or any other business, phone Julia Richardson 07421 768995 or contact her at jnrich@phonecoop.coop