"Quaker" is a popular name for a member of the Religious Society of Friends, whose members are also known as "Friends". Quakerism is as much a way of living as much as a denomination or faith and you will find people from a wide range of different backgrounds. It is our Quaker way of worshipping and of trying to live faithfully to our Quaker testimonies that unites us.
Our religious insights, attitudes and practices together form a way of life. We have the conviction that each of us can have direct experience of the Spirit of God and we seek to respond to that of God in everyone. Quakers also share a commitment to our testimony to peace, truth, equality, and simplicity. Quaker testimony is not just about holding these values to be important; it is about a way of living our lives and of acting in the world.
The bedrock of the Quaker way is the silent meeting for worship. We seek a communal gathered stillness, where all can be open to inspiration from the Spirit of God. During our meetings for worship some may feel moved to speak: this is something anyone can do, as all are considered equal. Meetings at Newark are held every Sunday at 10.30am and every second and fourth Wednesday lunchtime at 12 noon and are open to all.
The Quaker way has its roots in Christianity and finds inspiration in the life of and teachings of Jesus and in the Bible. Friends also find meaning and value in the teachings of all Faiths and acknowledge that ours is not the only way.